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Friday 7th October | 6pm - 8pm | UCL Archaeology Lecture Theatre

‘Our forest guardians are being exterminated - but what are researchers doing about it?’ Jaqueline Aranduhá | Guarani and Kaiowá Indigenous leader, activist and anthropologist

What is our collective responsibility - as researchers, professionals, artists and activists - to ensure a future that is liveable? How can we decolonise the ways in which we work and think to find collaborative solutions to the challenges of our times? As the planet’s ecosystems and the Indigenous communities who defend them face increasingly urgent threats, we must develop new forms of research practice that can address current challenges, cultivate more collaborative relations, and present results in more inclusive ways. Over the last two years the UCL Multimedia Anthropology Lab (UCL MAL) has been exploring these questions in partnership with Guarani and Kaiowá Indigenous communities in Brazil, developing a series of collaborative multimedia projects - including the Guarani and Kaiowá VR Museum, an Interactive Map of Violence, and a Collaborative Digital Archive.

Join us on Friday 7th October for an evening seminar where Indigenous leaders, ethnographic researchers and multimedia artists will discuss the current crisis, introduce our collaborative experiments, and explore their implications for research and practice. We will be joined in-person by the Guarani and Kaiowá leader, activist and anthropologist Jaqueline Aranduhá and Indigenous filmmaker Scott Hill, who will share an up-to-date overview of the context in Brazil and the recent wave of violence threatening ecologies and communities. They will introduce some of the multimedia projects that have been developed in partnership with UCL MAL and IDAC, and will be joined by members of the UCL MAL team who have worked on the projects together.

This seminar will also be live-streamed through the UCL MAL website for those who cannot attend in person.


Confirmed Speakers:

Jaqueline Aranduhá | Guarani and Kaiowá Indigenous leader, activist and anthropologist.

Scott Hill | Guarani and Kaiowá Indigenous filmmaker, photographer and media activist

Fabi Fernandes | Brazilian artist, ethnographer and cultural producer

- Raffaella Fryer-Moreira | Cofounder & Director of UCL Multimedia Anthropology Lab

- More Speakers TBC

This event is the first in a three-part seminar series co-hosted by the UCL Multimedia Anthropology Lab, the Kuñangue Aty Guasu, and the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The projects that will be presented have been made possible by support from The British Museum’s Endangered Material Knowledge ProgrammeUCL Global EngagementUCL Grand Challenges, the UCL Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, and UCL Special Initiatives.

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